Taiwan Central Gem Laboratory (TCGL) is a gemological research institute and company. TCGL aims to share their academic results and important issues in the field of gemological research for individuals with the demands of educational detailed information, especially for both gem collectors and international traders.
台灣中央珠寶鑑定所 TCGL主要在鑑定來自世界各地的寶石,例如辨別產地與核發專業、權威性的寶石鑑定書,舉凡紅寶石、藍寶石、祖母綠、尖晶石、電氣石、石榴石,甚至罕見的彩色寶石。又或者是,鑑定來自的傳統、經典高品質礦山或來自新礦區的寶石。最重要的是,協助辨別寶石仿製品,即便是合成材料製作的寶石產品,為了能檢視新的合成方法、熱處理和輻射照射等能改善寶石的外觀和美感的優化方法。
Taiwan Central Gem Laboratory (TCGL) is a well-equipped gemological research laboratory, specializing in the determination of origins and gem reports for major precious gemstones such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, spinels, tourmalines, garnets, and rare coloured gemstones across the world. Additionally, TCGL is able to investigate traditional, typical, or newly-found coloured gemstones. Most importantly, TCGL researchers may distinguish a diverse forms of gem imitations even gem products made of artificial materials in order to discover innovative gem synthesizing methods, thermal treatments, irradiation, and any other enhancements not listed above that may modify the physical appearance of gemstones.
TCGL 帶著卓越、前瞻性的願景、帶領大家尋找寶石的文化與核心價值。因此,我們團隊已系統化地、積極地對各類寶石進行一系列的學術研究,盼能致力於探討如何利用精密的科學方法,提供最優質、高標準的寶石鑑定報告。
With an excellent and profound vision, TCGL strives to seek and promote the cultural and core values with its leadership. Accordingly, our team has already developed and conducted a systematic and active academic research on various gemstones with a hope to issue high quality and high standard gem reports, utilizing sophisticated scientific methods.
由於寶石學研究對於研究人員及國際寶石交易人員而言,是不可或缺的,TCGL 持續投入充裕的時間與經費,為學界和相關人員貢獻一定的研究成果,承諾能持續與大家分享與發佈最新資訊,有助於增加民眾寶石鑑賞能力與對天然彩色寶石的價值有更強大的信心。詳情可參閱 TCGL 的官方網站及在臉書上面的官方粉絲專頁,也可持續關注相關的珠寶界學術雜誌。
Since the gemological research are indispensable to all the researchers and international gem traders, TCGL keeps investing sufficient time and financial resources to make certain contributions from their research outcomes with a promise to share the latest news so that individuals may have more advanced gemstone appreciation abilities and strengthen their confidence on the values of natural colored gemstones. For any further inquiries and details, please check out the official website ( http://www.tcgl-lab.com) and fanpage ( https://www.facebook.com/tcgllab/) of TCGL and remember to follow the latest articles in the field of gemology. 慶祝「台灣中央珠寶鑑定 登上國際古昆蟲、節肢動物和琥珀會議版面」 2019年4月7日至13日,第八屆國際古昆蟲、節肢動物和琥珀大會在多明尼加共和國首都聖多明哥舉辦,來自全球的一百多位科學家,化石專家,大學教授,學者參加會議,此次很榮幸特別邀請到 紐約自然歷史博物館無脊椎動物館長David A. Grimaldi 美國堪薩斯州生態進化部負責人Michael S. Engle , 蘇格蘭國立博物館古生物部負責人 Andrew J. Ross , 西班牙國家地質礦物部教授Erique Peñalver 。 讓此次國際會議增加無比的光輝。 來自台灣的科學研究團隊多明尼加琥珀博物館協會史羽弘先生、台灣中央珠寶鑑定有限公司呂永德 先生 黃聿辰小姐、伊犁寶石鑑定所羅淑萌小姐 楊家欣小姐,組成團隊共同研究的關於多明尼加藍琥珀顏色分級與其他產區琥珀產地特徵的論文。大會非常重視我們此次的論文發表,特別安排史羽弘先生與世界級大師們同坐第二排貴賓席。通過專家群審核在第八屆國際古昆蟲、節肢動物和琥珀大會發表。全世界來自超過15個國家地區,(台灣)(法國)(英國)(德國)(西班牙)(美國)(中國)(多明尼加)..... 的專家在台下掌聲不斷與閃光燈不斷。
2019-05-28 |